Prayer Request

37 Comments Add yours

  1. Katie Fitzgerald says:

    Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in such a way. Your devotionals are REAL. They speak to me EACH day in the most amazing ways. It appears that in the past I haven’t been able to truly “get” some because they just don’t speak to me or it takes so much to understand them because of the “christianese” language used. But you are eloquent in your writing, speaking from your heart, yet it is as if we are having coffee talking about WHERE we are in our walk!

    You are truly using the gift God has given you and allowing at least myself to take that look inside myself at where I need to go and work on in my walk with Jesus.

    God bless you!! Thank you!
    Katie Fitzgerald
    (I found you on FB through mutual friends)


    1. lthomason says:

      Katie, Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement! I am glad that the Lord has spoken to you through His Words! He is such an Awesome Father! I look forward to hearing from you again as we grow together in Christ! In His Love, Lori


  2. kelli says:

    Hi Lori –
    Your devotion about a broken heart certainly applies to me. My husband of 16 years has just told me he is leaving my nine year old daughter and I. We have had the perfect marriage for 16 years and this is totally out of the blue. I believe that he is under attack – his mind and his heart. My heart is certainly broken in a million pieces. But through all of this, God has been so close. He’s shown me some amazing things. I’m holding on to Him like never before. Thanks for your devotion. It was exactly what I needed to read.


    1. lthomason says:

      Dearest Kelli,
      Thank you for the sweet encouragement! My husband and I will be praying for the restoration of your marriage and peace for your family! Please stay in touch and let us know how we can agree with you as we seek the Father on your behalf! Thanks again! I am humbled that in the midst of your anguish that you would find the time to encourage me.
      Consumed by His Love,


    2. lthomason says:

      Hi Kelli,
      I have recieved comment asking which devotion you read about a broken heart. I am not sure which one it was so I thought maybe you could help. There seems to be someone in Missouri going through exactly what you are walking through and she would like to read it too. We are still praying for you and hope God is healing your broken heart! Lori


      1. luvinmylife says:

        Oh gosh. I just now saw this comment two years later and what a different place I am in now! My heart hurt just reading what I wrote on June 24, 2010. I was in such a desperate frame of mind. I honestly do not remember what devotion I read back then but I remember it spoke to my heart deeply. So fast forward two years. My marriage has been restored. Restored would be an understatement! =) I realized pretty quickly that I needed to get my own life right with Jesus before I could concentrate on my marriage difficulties. I realized very quickly that the root of our marriage troubles were NOT actually marriage troubles. We had gotten too far away from our first love – Jesus. After many tears, talks, counseling and much prayer by ourselves and others such as you, our marriage is better than ever. Our home is better than ever. We have a love for our heavenly Father that is stronger than it has ever been. The desires of both our hearts is to keep Him the center of our home. Because of His love for us, we will be together well into our golden years! =) Thank you for YOUR faithfulness to Jesus. Thank you for praying for us. I know that we will meet one day in heaven Lori and I can’t wait! =)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Rose says:

    Your website is beautiful. Your thoughtful comments touched my heart. I read Kelli’s comments about her broken heart and broken marriage. I, too, can relate to an almost exact situation. Could you please let me know what article she was referring to, I would love to read it. Thank you for your inspiration.
    (P.S.) I am in a bible study group with your sister in Missouri.


  4. Susan Smith says:

    So how do you start getting fired up over god again? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that just don’t fit in with the “real” world, and find I have bouts of sadness where I just feel like I am not a part of anything important, and I know that is not what god created us for and has in mind for me.


  5. jesuscashok says:

    please mail books and all booklets fro school in india


  6. Colleen says:

    Good morning Lori. I love your devotions. You do a great job. I admire you so much for following God’s leadership and doing this. We were in Lake City, FL on Sunday at Wendy’s. We admired a nice young couple with 3 or 4 girls (they were Seminole fans too); my husband, for some weird reason (usually he’s not observant) watch their car pull away. The bumper sticker with this website was on their car. I wrote it down and have fallen in love with your writings and insight to how GREAT our GOD is. And I know you’re always speaking JUST to me. Thank you so much for what you’re doing.


    1. lthomason says:

      Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate your kind words. All the Glory is His! Please keep in touch! Thanks again! Have a very merry Christmas!


  7. Debby Graham says:

    hi Lori, I just want to thank you for always being able to count on a refreshing message daily from your heart. Your messages always find a way of speaking to me and for that I thank you. I was just wondering if you were ok. I haven’t received one of your wonderful messages in my fb message box the last 2 days. Praying you are ok.


    1. lthomason says:

      Thank you Debby for the sweet encouragement! I am not sure why the FACEBOOK messages are not being sent. I have had several people ask the same question. Thank you for the prayers! Even though things are fine, prayer is greatly appreciated! God is faithful! Blessings, Lori


  8. Debby Graham says:

    I don’t see an option to subscribe via fb instead of email. I’d rather it come to my fb message box. I was receiving it but now I’m not anymore for some reason.


  9. Hi Lori,

    I absolutely enjoy your devotions-I actually was searching online for a daily devotion and I came across yours and have been blessed ever since. Its been over 6 months since I began reading your devo’s and since then I have started writing my own devotions. I have always had a passion to write and after I fought with starting my own blog for months I finally began to write. Since April I have been writing and the turnout has been amazing God has been truly moving through them. I wanted to know if you could read them for me and tell others about them. I would really appreciate it-Im currently trying to translate them into other languages so those who may speak Spanish,Creole,etc can read them as well. I’m so excited about what God is doing and cant wait to hear what you think. Also are your devotions published and do you have any books?

    Sakinah Salley


  10. Simply want to say, thank-you, Lori!! God Bless!!!



  11. Michelle Kays says:

    I woke up at 2:00 a.m. and thought, well it’s a New Year first thing I want to do (besides go back to sleep) is to spend time with the Lord. I have a library (a lot of books on a shelf) of devotions and inspirational reading and several Devotional Bibles, but I could not think of one to start the new 2012 with. So what do you do but Goggle? “First Devotion for New Year” I found you and read the most AWESOME devotion and when I was 3/4 through I noticed (duh) it was for last year (ha-ha). I am glad I found it and read it, your last year Jan 1 devotion has inspired me, which was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I have bookmarked your page and will read it daily. Thank you so much for devotion and also for ALLOWING God to move through you.


  12. Daniel Ramirez says:


    You need to write a book or a commentary….for real….your very talented and I Iove the way you express your understanding of Gods word. I have been praying for you and your son and im confident that in His time he will finish the work that He started. If youve recieved word from God that your son will be healed, then its just a matter of time because If God did not withold His one and only son, He wont withold healing from your son.

    Theres nothing the devil hates most than seeing a child of God have peace, be confident, and always looking toward God even though every circumstance tells you to fear, worry, be anxious, doubt..etc. I pray that God continues to bless you the same way He has blessed me through your devotionals.

    Please keep my newborn son in your prayers. He was born (Jan21,2012) with enlarged kidneys due urinary reflux and was in the NICU for 7 days before we could take him home. While right now hes doing alot better and his reflux levels are continually decreasing back to normal, he still has to bring his acidity levels down. He drinks two antibiotics daily to help him bring the levels down. If you could just pray for his complete recovery I would appreciate it. His name is Lucas.

    God bless,



  13. Joe Monahan says:

    Thank you Lori for your encouragement. I am adding a prayer request here for you and all who read blog and asking for prayer. Please pray for us, pray for me to realize God is in control…….
    M… and I have been married 28 mos, for both it is our second marriage. M… is 45 and lived with her mom most of her life even when she was married to first husband. We have had many struggles w blending children, her middle son had terrible addiction to pornography and other elicit behavior. It caused stress as I have custody of my 2 girls. We prayed and managed through, and sent him to live with his dad about 3 hrs away as he was about to turn 17 and wanted to move in w a girl. M’s…. mom became furious, accusing her of being a terrible mother etc. She threatened never to talk to melissa again. This coupled with her missing son caused great anxiety for her. I told her I love her and would be with her, but it was so hard for me to relate to situation. We prayed, but she slipped into depression and panic. I wished I would have hugged her more and calmed her. Last Tuesday I arrived home to find her gone. She is back with her mom, she will not talk to me, nor will her family. While just a few days prior we talked and shared emails on how happy we were, and how glad God saved her and that she never wants to let her savior down again. Now she is getting counsel that we will never work because our relationship started in sin, we both divorced spouses, so it will end that way. I am blaming myself, God , and I am devastated , confused and angry. All hope is gone, kids are involved, distance, etc etc.. Please God I am asking for a miracle



    1. lthomason says:

      Joe – Thank you too for the encouragement! I am sorry to hear about the trial you are presently enduring. My husband and I are praying for you and M. Blended marriages are very rough in the beginning. I am the product of one and our family has been created the same way. Do not give up! It takes lots of time and even more coversations with the Lord to clear out the junk left behind. Take this time to press in! Fill your heart with His Word and He will reveal the order of your steps. I am praying for a miracle in your life and that God will grant you the wisdom, peace and endurance to walk it out! In the NAME OF JESUS! Thank you for the opportunity to petition God for you and your family, Joe. It is my privilege to pray for you! Lori

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Pat Bogue says:

    I absolutely love this post and would love to subscribe. Is there a way to do this?


    1. lthomason says:

      Hi Pat I believe there is a subscribe link at the bottom of each post. You can find Pure Devotion on Twitter and Facebook as well! Blessings :0)


  15. renee says:

    I pray that God will speak to me today. I am desperate and read this and thought I have to be guided by him. My fiance has left for another woman, we have faced soo much opposition and this seems to be the icing on the cake. Up until now I thought I was listening to God, every time I would try to leave God would say stand and show me, I will never leave you nor forsake you . Now I am totally lost, confused, hurt. I pray God would show me to walk away or simply wait. I pray that God will make a way for me


    1. lthomason says:

      God will speak to you Renee! Just keep asking and then stop to listen. He is faithful! He will heal your broken heart and wipe away every tear! God’s Will and His Timing are perfect! After knowing God over thirty years, I am still learning to wait and trust Him more! Be encouraged! He loves you and will make it through your pain to touch your life! God works EVERY detail of our life for the good! If you are anything like me, it is the wait that I struggle with. Be encouraged! Don’t give up! God is that good! In His Amazing Love, Lori


  16. Melissa Williams says:

    Hello! I just want to say “thank you” for what you are doing! I stumbled across your website when looking up a particular topic on google. I can guarantee your Devotions will be a part of my daily read from now on! I just recently found a church home and let Jesus into my heart. I will say that my entire outlook on life has changed! I’ve been warned by many to beware of wolves (and I do agree they are out there) but I can tell that your heart is good and pure … and you genuinely want to help people by spreading the Word. I have great respect for my hometown pastor and have grown a love for the preaching of John MacArthur. Your devotions are right in line with everything I have learned from both of them. I am a single mom and deeply desire to find my partner and once again have a family. I have recently realized that for the past few years I have been focusing on the wrong things and looking in the wrong places. I now know that God has a plan for me … I just have to trust Him and keep my faith in Him. Again, thank you for sharing your gift! Bless you!!!!


    1. lthomason says:

      Hi Melissa,
      Thanks for the encouragement! I am thrilled that you have asked Jesus to come into your heart! He is amazing! Blessings to you and your little family. I was a single mom too and God gave me the perfect partner who loves Him, me and our precious children! If God will do it for me, He will do it for you! He is so faithful!
      In His AMAZING Love,


  17. Jarrod Fabacher says:

    Thank you so much for your words of wisdom! The Lord is working through you and it is amazing to see! I teach at Christian School in Louisiana and I use some of your devotionals at my prayer meetings in the morning! Just wanted to let you know your amazing and your work is not in vain! God Bless and have a wonderful day!


    1. lthomason says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragment! I am so happy that these are useful and pray God blesses those who you share them with new knowledge and understanding of our AWESOME God! He is so good! Thanks again! Blessings ~ Lori


  18. Nic says:

    Hi Lori,
    I’ve been reading your devotions for about a year now. I was fist diagnosed with cancer only 2weeks before your son, back in 2011. 6 months ago I had a re-occurrence which has left me with difficult side-effects to all my senses. Just 2weeks ago the sight has begun to in my left eye. I am 36, have 2 beautiful children, Jack aged 4 and Hannah who’s 6months and an incredible husband who physically and emotionally holds me together on the days I fall apart. I mostly have peace about the cancer, but I am desperate to see properly again – least of which to see our beautiful babies. Please would pray? And we in return will be praying for you.
    Why is it easier to pray for others than myself at the moment.
    Thank you so much,


    1. lthomason says:

      Yes Nic I absolutely will pray for you! When our son was diagnosed this last time the doctor said we are now operating in the realm of hope! I laughed! God is all about making the impossible totally possible! We are not only praying for your complete healing from cancer including immediate and total remission forever but we are also praying for total restoration of your body with no side effects! I believe with you! Please send updates or more requests as we approach the Throne of God boldly together! Thank you for praying for our son too!


  19. Toni says:

    I am on a vacation on Florida.I live in Finland.I have wonderfull wife and three Kids. I have Been christian about 18 years. I am so tired of everything. Stressful work depression our daughter and I have. Constant fear for financial problems. I really need to stop running and seek the Lord and his peace. I found your texts and they spoke to me. Please pray for us. That we would find peace and rest.and that way also be blessing to others. Toni


    1. lthomason says:

      Hello Toni! I hope you enjoyed your vacation in Florida! I understand how you are feeling “tired of everything”. Our life has been a roller coaster over the last couple of years. Anxiety and overwhelming fear about finances, etc. The enemy is working overtime to discourage God’s People and keep them from having God’s Very Best because too many give up. Please don’t give up but press in. His Grace is always sufficient but we can never know that peace unless we rest in Him. Don’t worry about everybody else just tell the Lord you need Him and He will rush in to your rescue! I am praying that you will endure to the end and find new hope in the Lord! My husband and I will be praying for you and your family! The best is yet to come and found only in Him! Many blessings! Lori


  20. RAJNEESH GUPTA says:





    1. lthomason says:

      Yes I will pray that The Lord will reveal His Love with you today on a new and undeniable way so you will choose to life in Christ every day! Many blessings, Lori


      1. RAJNEESH says:

        good to hear lord’ manifold blessings one getting in christ not as a slave,member of family but as a son member of family, one is temperoral ,the latter is permanent,
        i am still physically surviving with unseen cuts and wounds over skull of brain,pray i be healed permanently



  21. Louise says:

    Just want to say thank you for your encouraging words. I pray that you will continue to find strength in our Lord has you continue to go through this battle. I am also praying for the complete healing of your son. You truly are an inspiration and God will honour you as you continue to glorify his name through this storm.
    Every blessing to you 🙂


    1. lthomason says:

      Thank you so much for the encouraged and prayers! Much needed and much appreciated!


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