Illuminating Love – A Devotion

2 John 1:5-6 (Message)

But permit me a reminder, friends, and this is not a new commandment but simply a repetition of our original and basic charter: that we love each other. Love means following his commandments, and his unifying commandment is that you conduct your lives in love. This is the first thing you heard, and nothing has changed.

When people fall in love, there is an overwhelming rush of emotion that permeates their life. Everything is about loving the other person as they walk the steps to the day that they become married. With great anticipation standing before friends and love ones, they promise a lifetime of love and commit their entire being to one another. The honeymoon year passes with it a challenge or two and then life begins. The perfect person proves to be an ordinary man or woman with innate flaws produced by sin conception. Little things irritate the other and sometimes not so little things threaten to pull apart the two people who have promised to be one in love. It is then that the decision is made to honor the vow made to God and the other person, or like so many today choose to walk away from love altogether. Love is not just a pretty word written with hearts and flowers. It is a mandate and law written in stone by the Hand of God. Just because today we don’t feel like loving others or just don’t feel real lovable, does not change the fact that our Father has decreed us before our feet hit the floor this morning to walk in love. It is interwoven in the pathway to His Promise for our life and illuminates the ordered steps of God that we long for. The markers that will guide us in His Truth, His Way to His Best!

In John 13:34, Jesus gave us a new commandment – to love one another. Though this was the original plan in Eden that became totally dysfunctional by sin, man and woman were set forth in a world that was not designed for them. They were created to dwell with God and be one with Him in the garden but sin robbed humans of that blessing. Therefore man began to wander looking for a way to reconnect with God. Jesus came to re-establish the connection between His Father and His People. The new commandment came when Jesus provided a new way of love. Not only did Jesus exemplify love as He walked with the people, but upon His Departure He promised to provide the Holy Spirit who would enable us to walk in love and illuminate the way of love in our life. Before Jesus, our love would be incomplete because the love of God is perfected in Him (I John 2:5). When our love affair with Jesus Christ began, we committed to walk in love no matter what the cost. Sometimes that price is very high in human terms, but in Heavenly terms the reward is priceless. True love based on the Word of God and self-yielding always releases much more than it withholds. The blessing in store for the person who chooses to walk in love always outweighs the risk.

I Thessalonians 5:8 reminds us to “live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.” Living a life of love through faith in Jesus Christ enlightens us to the clearheaded reality of God’s Plan for our life as well as providing a barrier of protection around our heart. Being confident of our salvation keeps us focused on faith and love which illuminates our way. As we choose to live in the light of love, it will connect with others who choose to love and the light is expanded showing us more and more. As our life of love is shared with others, they will become enlightened to the love of Jesus and add to the brightness that opens the door to reveal even more freedom in Jesus Christ until the darkness in our life is limited and then all together eliminated! Imagine love revealing those things which you have been desperately searching for in the dark! It will happen because we have honored God in His Commandment – to love one another by taking advantage of the prospering opportunity provided by Jesus Christ to join in a productive relationship with the Trinity through loving others!

Psalm 26:2-3 (Message)

Examine me, God from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I’m fit inside and out so I never lose sight of your love, but keep in step with you, never missing a beat.  

Are you walking in love? Does your life represent a love affair with Jesus Christ or chronic dysfunction? God longs to bless you with a life of true love. Love that illuminates your way! It is not found solo. It becomes bright when it is shared as God did not say to love ourselves but to love Him and show Him by loving others. Who do you love today? Is it evident? Who else can you love? Start with strangers and move to your enemies until the light of your life is a spotlight to victory! Systematic love will drive out all darkness until your life is alive with great passion and power! Turn on love today!

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